At HRD Antwerp we call our education centres: centres of excellence. This not only includes our own school facilities in Antwerp, Dubai and Mumbai, but also our partners. Our local education facilitators are partners that fully underSTAND the content and the teaching methods of HRD Antwerp. Although they give local courses, they use our course materials, follow our teaching method, use in most cases our teachers or use accredited and evaluated teachers by our head teacher. These facilitators give us the opportunity to offer courses closer to your home and in your local language. In case of use of our own teachers that do not speak the local language, a second translating teacher will be present. Education is about excellence, but also about affordability and giving all students from all backgrounds the possibility to enjoy our courses.

You want to know more about one of our CoE’s and their local offering of courses, please contact our team and we are happy to guide you through all course options.