
Registered but need a visa letter? We are here to support you.

Fill in the form and our team will share the letter at the earliest.

Please Note:

  1. Visa letters will only be shared via email after the 50% course fees has been received and the visa letter form has been submitted.
  2. Visa issuance is at the sole direction of the Embassy of the respective countries.

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Name as per passport
If you are enrolling for more than one course in continuation, please input all the course names separated with a comma.

For Example: Certified Diamond Grader, Rough Diamond Appraisal
If you are enrolling for more than one course in continuation, please input all the course codes separated with a comma.

For Example: CDGE00000, ARDE000000
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
1. Please upload your passport page containing your name, passport number and other details.

2. If the address is available on your passport, please upload this page in addition to above.